Minju Jung

Cornerstone collegiate academy of Seoul

  • This is Minju's first web page!

    Hello! My name is Minju and I am a 9th grade student at CCAS. I live in Bundang and it takes me 40–60 minutes to get to school. I want to see my friends every day and play with them, but I don't want to come to school. I also love my CS50 class! The homework is kind of hard for me, but it's still fun.

    My favorite subject is math. I don't like to solve problems for 4 hours. I just enjoy challenging questions that we can think about for a long time. I hope to get better at math and participate in math contests.

    I have some pictures that I like and some clothes that I want to buy when I get my allowance.

    Winter image Soglq image Oolgirl image My style image Fluffy image Fitfit image

    Here are pictures of my lovely dog, my childhood, and favorite memories.

    Painting Wanna go image Cute clothes Sleepy image Cute image Lovely smile Favorite memory My dog

    You can contact me at the following:

    [email protected]