Welcome to my web page
Sikhyun Oh (John)

Who am I

Hello my name is Sikhyun Oh, and my english name is John Oh
I am 16 years old and 9th grade. I was born in 2008. Then I'm in highschool name Cornerstone. My birthday is May second.

About Me

I like to sleep and play with friends. Also I like to disturb Hyunseung and play games.
I play Brawl stars, Overwatch, Valorant. You can challenge me whenever!
I don't like to come to school and wake up early before 12 pm.


I worked on multiple projects in school and these are some of the examples

Science fair project Biology project East asian project Geometry project Spanish project Social fair project English project FOW project Fitness project Basketball project


"He has good smile"
"He is handsome"
"He is cute"
"Bad grammar"
"He is bad at speaking"
"He is bad at English"
"Bad at Spanish"
"Bad at Brawlstars"
"He has many money"
"He is not good at anything"
"He don't use money"
"Has many friends"
"Sleeps alot"
"Very active"
"Bad at CS50"


Contact Me

You can contact me with anything
School mail: [email protected]
Gmail: [email protected]
Naver mail: [email protected]
Blog: _ohsikhyun_
Phone: 010-1234-5678
Personal instagram: ohsikhyun7
Work instagram: ohsikhyun._
Snapchat: ohsikhyun_
Facebook: oh_sik_hyun
Twitter: ohsik_hyun_